Saturday, September 23, 2006

Silver Lining

It's finally happened! I found my first grey hair. I've had a few false alarms, but this one was real. I was able to isolate and pull it out. It is definitely grey! I yelled for Steve and was so excited. He told me I shouldn't be celebrating but I am.

Now comes the waiting game. In my family, the people with my kind of hair generally go completely Salt & Pepper/Silver pretty quickly, once the process begins. We'll see what happens!

Second thing of note, I met two really neat people last night. I went to a gathering for my friend Donelle and met several of her friends. Two of the ladies I really hit it off with. One, Cassandra, shares my love of fitness and exercise, she even used to be a personal trainer, something I am personal working on. We are going to try to start working out together. The other, Susanne, is an avid coupon/bargain/garage sale shopper, things which are right up my alley also. And the best part is, neither of them has a day job! Finally someone to go do things with during school hours! Hurray!

I'm so excited! My first grey hair is truly a sign that I have found the Silver Lining!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Dog Update

Evidentially I'm not the only one blogging on this topic.

Check out


The authors are much more eloquent than me.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dog the Bounty Hunter

Right now I am ashamed of my government.

Duane "Dog" Chapman has been arrested by the feds due to circumstances surrounding his locating and capturing Andrew Luster (the Max Factor heir rapist) in Mexico. I won't get into details, if you are interested just do a web search on either one and you'll have plenty to read.

Dog did something that the Federal government either didn't have time to do, or didn't care to do. Luster was convicted in absentia of 86 counts of Rape! If a single person with limited resources could find Luster, why couldn't our government? Because they didn't care, that's why! Out of sight, out of mind.

Dog found Luster, and because of that, Luster is now rotting (hopefully) in a California jail (I've heard that other inmates just love Rapists). The ironic thing is, our government couldn't find Luster (convicted of 86 brutal rapes, some on underage girls), but they can sure take the time to find Dog for the Mexican Government. The Mexicans want him on a misdemeanor, because bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico. Why do you think so many criminals flee to Mexico?

And why, I ask you, are the Mexicans so interested in Dog shortly before their own statute of limitations is due to run out? Hmm? I wonder if Luster's family has something to do with it? Lets face it, the Mexican government is known for it's corruption. Their Judicial system is a joke and mainly runs on bribery. If you can pay the right people, and God knows the Lusters can afford to pay, you can get away with or get anything done.

Come on people, Duane "Dog" Chapman, may not be someone you want to go out to dinner with, but he did our country a service by finding that piece of shit Luster! Our government has already screwed Dog out of the reward money, money I'm sure he could have used to defray the cost of tracking Luster down. Are we going to sit by and let the American Government, our government, be the errand boy for another country whose system is so corrupt it's a joke? What happened to protecting our own? We have radical Islamic Jihadists living within our borders, planning death and destruction untold, and the Feds. opt to arrest Dog! Go figure!

If you believe like I do that this is a blatant injustice, help his cause. Fighting Federal extradition is expensive. Go to One of Luster's victims started the site to try to help the Chapmans.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

I feel betrayed

Betray - v. 1. To commit treason against or be a traitor to.
2. To divulge in a breach of confidence.
3. To lead astray; deceive.

I'm done.