Saturday, September 23, 2006

Silver Lining

It's finally happened! I found my first grey hair. I've had a few false alarms, but this one was real. I was able to isolate and pull it out. It is definitely grey! I yelled for Steve and was so excited. He told me I shouldn't be celebrating but I am.

Now comes the waiting game. In my family, the people with my kind of hair generally go completely Salt & Pepper/Silver pretty quickly, once the process begins. We'll see what happens!

Second thing of note, I met two really neat people last night. I went to a gathering for my friend Donelle and met several of her friends. Two of the ladies I really hit it off with. One, Cassandra, shares my love of fitness and exercise, she even used to be a personal trainer, something I am personal working on. We are going to try to start working out together. The other, Susanne, is an avid coupon/bargain/garage sale shopper, things which are right up my alley also. And the best part is, neither of them has a day job! Finally someone to go do things with during school hours! Hurray!

I'm so excited! My first grey hair is truly a sign that I have found the Silver Lining!


Blogger Tigpan said...

*wipes tear* So proud to know you at this transitional time in life! So proud! :-) Silver blond my favorite color!

1:58 PM  

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