Saturday, May 06, 2006

Why this title for a Blog?

You may ask yourself, "Why title a blog 'Time & Space'"?

Recently I have been accused of doing some things, I believe the phrase was "Following a path of destruction to poison relationships" or some such. The only way that it would have been possible for me to be responsible for the things in question was if I had some Supernatural control over time and space.

Maybe I do and I just haven't quite mastered conscious control of my powers yet. The other day one of my "thralls" texted me and asked what dastardly deeds she should go forth and do. I told her she should come clean my house. Needless to say, it didn't work, but I'll keep trying.

Some people are so dense it makes me want to scream! Some couldn't taste the chocolate if it was in their mouths. But Oh! I forgot! Eating chocolate is actually a pleasant sensation so it's just got to be a sin right! Riiiigghht. (That huge cosmic joke God is playing on us all, right Tig!)

I understand that things haven't gotten much better. The atmosphere's still pretty bad at a certain location. I wonder if it's still my fault? Maybe I laid a Voodoo curse on the mat accidentally when I wasn't paying attention. I told you I haven't mastered my powers yet.

What a joke. When are some people going to start looking at the root cause and quit buying the sob story and put the responsibility where it belongs. Want more info? AOL might be a good place to start. Why would someone still spend countless hours online? Hmmm. Kind of makes you wonder?

Oh, by the way, I sooo love people who think they are such good card carrying religious people, and yet they think nothing of keeping someone else's property (Battery Charger, Table) after the owners have been requesting it back for the past 2 months! Last time I checked that was called theft!! and I'm pretty sure it goes against one of the 10 Commandments. I think it's that one the says, "Thall shall not Steal!"

Moral Standards

I may curse, I may have a temper, I may be a rip roaring bitch some times but I have moral standards. I live by them, all the time, not just when it's convenient.






Sound Familiar?


Blogger Tigpan said...

your wish is my command master....(unless of course it involves cleaning!)

10:01 PM  
Blogger Tigpan said...

amazing how your blog creates action...I do believe you have special powers. No one believes a word you say, but man do they work fast to correct the "lies" that you tell.
Life officially goes on at this moment! lol

12:59 AM  

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